미서부장로교회: 중고등부 사역자 청빙

2023-04-14 12:39
토랜스 지역에 위치한 미주서부장로교회(미국장로교 PCUSA 소속)에서 중고등부(YM) 사역을 담당할 Part Time 사역자 한 분을 청빙합니다.

1. 자격:

1)신학대학 및 신학대학원 재학생/졸업생

2)이중언어(영어 및 한국어) 가능하신 분

3)청소년 사역에 열정이 있으신 분

4)미국에서 합법적으로 일하실 수 있는 분

2. 책임사역:

1)주일 예배 : 주일성경공부, 주일 청소년 활동

2)금요일 성경공부

3)캠프 수련회와 같은 연례 행사

4)사역자 회의 참석

3. 제출서류:



4. 제출기한 : 청빙될 때까지

5. 사례비:

파트타임 $1,800 (자격및 경험에 따라 조정 가능합니다.)

아래 이메일 주소로 서류제출(PDF 파일) 바랍니다. 제출된 서류는 비밀을 보장하며 반환하지 않습니다.

이메일 : main@wpca.org

교회주소 : 1880 W. 220th St. Torrance, 90501

홈페이지 : wpca.org

Job Description

The West Presbyterian Church of America (Denomination: PCUSA) located in Torrance, CA is looking for a part-time Youth Minister.

1. Qualifications

• Must have a clear testimony to being saved, and a sanctifying and growing relationship with God.

• Must demonstrate calling to youth ministry and have a passion for youth.

• Currently enrolled as a student or has completed theological training at an accredited seminary or bible college.

• Korean language skills preferred, but not required.

• U.S. citizen/permanent resident or eligible to legally work in the U.S.

2. Roles and Responsibilities

1) Youth Worship & Gathering

• Preside over Sunday worship service and preach God’s word weekly.

• Plan, prepare and lead youth Friday night gatherings.

(e.g., Bible study, monthly youth fellowship night, and prayer time).

2) Youth Events

• Plan, coordinate, and execute ministry events:

– Summer mission trip

– Evangelism & Serving our community

– Fundraising events

3) Communication

• Communicate effectively with PTA, parents, and youth students with special needs/


• Mentor/disciple youth students when applicable.

• Provide counseling and spiritual direction to youth on an individual basis.

• Provide students and parents with ongoing activities, ministry plans and

events in a way that encourages involvement.

4) Others

• Participate in monthly pastoral staff meetings.

• Other duties as required and requested by the church.

3. How to apply:

For consideration, please submit the following documents to main@wpca.org

• Resume (Picture should be attached)

• Introduction Letter (Life background, Strengths/Weaknesses, Ministry experiences and ministry vision)

• Statement of Faith (including salvation testimony)

Note: all submitted documents will not be returned.

We are accepting applications from interested candidates until the position is filled.

4. Salary and benefits:

• $1800/m (Negotiable based on qualifications and experience)

5. Church Information:

• West presbyterian Church of America

• Address: 1880 W 220TH ST. Torrance, CA 90501

• Church Website: www.wpca.org (Email: main@wpca.org)

• Phone: 310-328-7020 (office); 310-755-9070 (Senior pastor)