남가주동신교회 초등부 파트타임 or 풀타임 사역자 구함

2019-07-14 07:17
남가주동신교회 교육부에서 그리스도의 사랑과 열정으로 다음 세대를 섬기실 초등부 교역자를 구합니다. 아래 내용을 보시고 함께 섬기길 원하는 분은 다음의 이메일 주소 혹은 휴대폰으로 연락 주시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.

Pastor Justin Kim (김윤기 목사): justiny83@gmail.com / 929-343-0523

Pastor for Upper Elementary Ministry (3rd-5th Grade)

- Dong Shin Presbyterian Church of Southern California (Fullerton, CA) / Senior Pastor Jungwoo Baek (백정우 담임목사)

- Denomination: Korean Presbyterian Church Abroad (KPCA)

- Ministry Size: 90-100 Upper Elementary Students

- Job Type: Part-time or Full-time (면담 후 결정)

- Job Description:
* Dong Shin Church is a vibrant and growing congregation in Fullerton.
* We are looking for a pastor who will oversee upper elementary ministry.
* Weekly responsibilities include preaching in English for upper elementary children, attending pastoral and staff meetings/services/events, and being part of the ministry team.

- Requirements or Qualifications:
* Passionate for Children’s Ministry
* Good Communicator
* Self-Motivated Leader
* Capable of Interacting with Korean Parents