브림장로교회 중고등부 교역자 청빙

2019-12-27 05:52
VRIM presbyterian church is looking for a part-time youth pastor who believes the word of God is the truth and loves his students with the love of Jesus Christ. One of our main goals is to build a biblical and healthy body of Christ for next generation.

1. Position: Part-time youth pastor (6-12th grades).

2. Qualifications:

1) Must be enrolled in (or planning to enroll in) BA degree or over in bible studies or Theology.

2) English-speaking.

3) A passion for serving the body of Christ.

3. Job Description

1) Friday Bible Study: 7 pm ~ 9 pm

2) Sunday Worship for students: 11 am~ 12 pm

If you are interested, please send me a resume by e-mail.

If you have any question, feel free to contact me.


VRIM presbyterian church (3561 Foothill Blvd., La Crescenta, CA 91214, 626-376-5331)

중고등부 담당 교역자(Part Time) 청빙

라크라센터에 위치한 브림장로교회에서는 중고등부를 지도하실 교역자를 청빙합니다.


1. 이력서(사진)
2. 신앙 고백서

제출된 서류는 반환하지 않습니다.

제출방법: 이메일(yhavenir@gmail.com)


3561 Foothill Blvd, La Crescenta, CA 91214, (626-376-5331)